Portland Floating Homes in the rain…
What is the most challenging thing about living on the water in a floating home? Lots of people might think it is getting your shopping from your car to your home. Here are some thoughts on that subject!
- If your moorage doesn’t have enough dock carts, buy one of your own. Label it and remember to take it with you. Leave it in the parking lot when you go out, and bring it down to the house when you get home.
- Invest in several (like 10) umbrellas and a good umbrella stand. That way you should always have one at the floating home and one in your car.
- Don’t bring packaging to your house. Deposit it directly into the recycling area. After all, what goes down must also come back up.
- Take your own shopping bags to the store. Use one for your recycling and others to shop with.
- Get over it already! Walking the docks in the rain is simply part of the life style of floating home living! Enjoy the experience!
Cover image cortesy of LeahGlass.blogspot.com.