JBMI: Jantzen Beach Floating Home Moorage
JBMI: Jantzen Beach Floating Home Moorage is a large floating home moorage located to the West of the I-5 Bridge, between the I-5 and the railroad bridges. It is a sprawling moorage of about 175 homes. The moorage is a gated community located behind the Big Box Mall, directly behind Home Depot. The East end of the moorage is a series of finger walks, and the west end of the moorage is a long line of homes, some of which face the riparian edge and some fact the Channel.
JBMI is professionally managed by on-site managers. They have a very complete website with has very good information on it about the lifestyle and history of the moorage. http://www.jbmi.net/ The moorage offers slip ownership, but the uplands are on a long term lease from the Bureau of Public Lands. Carports are available for rent. The docks had a recent upgrade to new cement docks with all the electrical beneath the docks. Very nice!