Floating Home Slip Comparison

Location Location Location

Sunrise over Mt HoodFloating home slip comparison: You are looking for a floating home. You don’t know where to start, so you just do what we all do; you just pull up a bunch of listings and see what appeals to you. Congratulations! This is a good start!!  But, once you find some likely floating homes to look at, you go take a look, and then….whoa! you have a lot of questions! What about the float? Do you want gated or is non gated OK with you? What if it needs repair? How much does that cost? What is the difference between leased slips and slips that are included in the price

Did you say Location?

Just like in land homes, where you want to live is super important. Consider your work commute time. Do you need schools? Is a garage important to you? Do you like a boating community like , or do you prefer a more rural setting like Sauvie Island or Scappoose? If you have lots of money, maybe you want to live in one of the downtown moorages like Oregon Yacht Club. Do you like to have a snappy moorage that is well kept and ship shape? Or do you prefer funky and eclectic? 

Floating Home Slip Comparison

Since inventory of floating home slips is very thin, you have to decide if ownership is important to you. You will pay a bit more for a home in an owned slip like the one currently listed in Tomahawk Moorage on Hayden Island. The slip has a monitory value. But, if your preferred location is in Bridgeton, for example, then you will likely be leasing a slip and pay a bit more of a monthly fee, but have the benefit of living in an easily accessible moorage.

Remember! If you’re lucky enough to live on the river, you’re lucky enough!! Call me today to talk about slips and moorage locations that suit your needs!

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