Sailing Season is Beginning

Peaceful boats waiting for wind

Peaceful boats waiting for wind

How do you buy a floating home?

Lots of people want to live on the water….but how to make that happen? Floating homes are considered personal property so you will have to speak with a lender who makes loans of personal property. Usually smaller banks or credit unions will have good loan programs for buying a floating home. Usually the loan will require a down payment and you might pay a small bit higher interest rate on the loan. As with any purchase, it is a good idea to line up your financing while you are looking so you are prepared to make an offer to purchase when you find the home you like.

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Storm coming to Portland Floating Homes

Late summer thunder shower

Late summer thunder shower

Finding a floating home

Finding a floating home that fits your lifestyle plans is all about searching. Sign up to receive a dailly listing email from me. Start planning when you would like to make your move and begin visiting open houses on Sundays. Floating home open houses are a good way to take a close look at the moorages and to decide which one you would like to join.